Camp Check In: 5:30-6:30 PM
Camp Check Out: 1:30 PM

• Balance due of $  

• Any remaining Health Forms  

• Sleeping bag and pillow  

• Minimum 6 sets of workout gear (one for each session - T'shirts, shorts, socks, underwear)

• Wrestling shoes, headgear, kneepads and running shoes  

• Sweatshirts, sweatpants  

• Clothes for non-wrestling time  

• Towels, soap, shampoo, personal care items  

• Bag for dirty laundry  

• Readiness to Work Hard!

2023 was our first ever All Girls camp at The Farm and it was a great success!


Wrestlers must have at least one season of wrestling under their belts and be 9-18 years old to attend


These are 3 day camps that introduce and incorporate hard drilling as well as live wrestling. The girls will get lots of repetitions on their takedowns - from the set-up all the way through the finish.  


The techniques taught are the core takedowns we feel are imperative every wrestler knows by the time they hit the high school wrestling scene. They will hard drill these techniques, which will help develop muscle memory. Not only will this help the wrestlers hold on to these skills after they leave camp, it will teach them how to master new moves in the future.    


Live wrestling will be done during evening sessions. The girls will have the opportunity to wrestle a number of different partners as they will get anywhere from 6-12 mini matches per night.    


A gymnastics/tumbling warm up will be done at the beginning of each technique session. This is to promote body control/awareness, flexibility and overall strength in the young athletes.

Girls Only

3 Day Intensive Camp

9-18 years old


August 15-17


5 Day Intensive Camp

12-18 years old


August 10-14


Been To Thorn Camps Before? Click The Link Below!


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 763-913-7759

Mailing Address:

PO Box 64 Odin, MN 56160

Camp Address:

66500 425th St. Odin, MN 56160

Thorn Wrestling Camps

Intensive Camp Daily Camp Schedule:

6:45: Morning Run

7:30: Breakfast

9:00: 11:00: Technique/Hard Drilling

12:00: Lunch

2:00 - 4:00: Technique/Hard Drilling

5:00: Dinner

7:00 - 9:00: Live Wrestling

10:00: Movie/Pizza

10:30 Lights Out
